Design Library, Part 1
Most popular books and articles in the MIT MAD design community.
May 24, 2023
Design Justice
Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need
Sasha Costanza-Chock
The MIT Press
Available through MIT Libraries
An exploration of how design might be led by marginalized communities, dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation and ecological survival.
Design, When Everybody Designs
The MIT Press
Available through MIT Libraries
The role of design, both expert and nonexpert, in the ongoing wave of social innovation toward sustainability.
The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design
Step-by-step instructions on how to implement over 50 of the design methods used every day by key mindsets of human-centered design, compelling case studies of their process in action, and all the worksheets and tools needed to put it into practice.
Reimagining Design:
Unlocking Strategic Innovation
The MIT Press
Available through MIT Libraries
The power of transformative design, multidisciplinary leaps, and diversity: lessons from a Black professional's journey through corporate America.
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School
The MIT Press
Available through MIT Libraries
Concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation, from the basics of “How to Draw a Line” to the complexities of color theory.