N52 Space Reservation

If you are MIT faculty or an MIT student / student group wanting to reserve one of the spaces in Building N52, 3rd floor (Garage and Courtyard spaces, or Conference room), please consult the dedicated Google Calendar linked below, and email your request for approval. This is not accessible to the public.

Oct 17, 2024

How to reserve a space?

MIT faculty and student groups may send space reservation requests based on calendar availability, specifying:

  • room
  • date
  • times
  • intended users

to [email protected].

It is possible to request the following spaces (check availability on the calendar below):

  • Garage Space (pink)
  • Courtyard Room (yellow)
  • Conference Room N52-399 (dark blue)

Requests will be reviewed and are not automatically granted. Please make sure to receive an email confirming your reservation before using the space.

PLEASE NOTE: These calendars are only intended for use by MIT faculty or student groups. Please do not send requests if you are not affiliated with MIT. Thank you.

How to use the calendar?

Make sure to use the “week” tab in the top right corner of the calendar to view the color coding corresponding to each space: Garage is pink; Courtyard is yellow; Conference room is dark blue.


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